Policy Statement
The Manhattan School of Music (the “School”) is committed to providing all students and employees with the opportunity to pursue and attain their individual goals as it relates to the School’s admissions, employment, and educational programs or activities. This commitment includes the School’s students and employees who are pregnant, parenting, or experiencing pregnancy related conditions. The School prohibits differential treatment or discrimination against students and employees based on the student or employee’s current, potential, or past parental, family, marital status, or pregnancy or related condition.
“Pregnancy or related conditions” means:
- Pregnancy, childbirth, termination of pregnancy, or lactation;
- Medical conditions related to pregnancy, childbirth, termination of pregnancy, or lactation; or
- Recovery from pregnancy, childbirth, termination of pregnancy, lactation, or related medical conditions.
“Parental Status” means a person who is a biological parent; adoptive parent; stepparent; foster parent; legal custodian or guardian; in loco parentis with respect to a person; or a person who is actively seeking custody, guardianship, visitation, or adoption of a person.
Student Pregnancy Disclosure
A student who is, or becomes, pregnant or has a related condition is strongly encouraged to notify the Title IX Coordinator as soon as possible. By doing so, the student and the Title IX Coordinator can collaborate and develop an appropriate plan for the continuation of the student’s education in light of the unique nature of the School’s programs and requirements, as well as particular challenges the student may face while pregnant or while experiencing a pregnancy related condition.
If a School employee is informed of a student’s pregnancy or related condition by a student or a person who has a legal right to act on behalf of the student, the employee must provide the student or the student’s representative with the Title IX Coordinator and/or Director of Student Success’s contact information for further assistance.
Contact information for the School’s Title IX Coordinator and Director of Student Success is as follows:
Carol Matos
Vice President for Administration and Human Relations
A-427 Andersen Hall
136 Claremont Ave
New York, NY 10027
(917) 493-4450
Vaughn Watson
Director of Student Success
Room 120
130 Claremont Ave
New York, NY 10027
(917) 493-4673
The employee will also inform the student or the student’s representative that the Title IX Coordinator can coordinate specific actions to prevent sex discrimination and ensure the student’s equal access to the School’s education programs or activities. However, the choice to declare a student’s pregnancy is voluntary, and students and employees are not required to disclose this information to the School.
After being notified by a student or the student’s representative of the student’s pregnancy or related condition, the Title IX Coordinator will do the following:
- Inform the student about the School’s prohibition on sex discrimination, including sex-based harassment.
- Provide the student with the option of reasonable modifications due to the student’s pregnancy or related conditions.
- Allow the student voluntary access to any separate and comparable portion of the School’s education programs or activities.
- Allow the student a voluntary leave of absence for medical reasons and reinstatement for the student upon return from leave.
- Provide the student with a private, clean space for lactation that is a space other than a bathroom and is shielded from view and free from intrusion from others.
The School will not require students to submit supporting documentation for the above items, unless the documentation is necessary and reasonable for the School to determine the reasonable modifications to make, or whether to take additional, specific actions. Situations where supporting documentation is not necessary may include, but are not limited to, when the student’s need for a specific action is obvious, such as when a student who is pregnant needs a bigger uniform; when the student has previously provided the School with sufficient supporting documentation; when the reasonable modification at issue is allowing a student to carry or keep water nearby and drink, use a bigger desk, sit or stand, or take breaks to eat, drink, or use the restroom; when the student has lactation needs; or when the requested action is available to other students for reasons other than pregnancy or related conditions and such students are not required to submit supporting documentation.
Additionally, the School will not require a student who is pregnant or has a related condition to provide certification from a healthcare provider or any other person that the student is physically able to participate in the School’s class, program, or extracurricular activity unless:
- The certified level of physical ability or health is necessary for the student’s participation in the class, program, or extracurricular activity;
- The School requires such certification of all students participating in the class, program, or extracurricular activity; and
- The information obtained is not used as a basis for discrimination.
Requests for Students:
MSM Title IX Coordinator
Carol Matos is MSM’s Title IX Coordinator. She also serves as MSM’s Vice President for Administration and Human Relations.
Contact information:
Director of Student Success
Vaughn Watson
Contact information:
Requests for Employees:
Director of HR Operations
Jessica Ferrell
Contact information: